Good question, and I am not politician so all I can give you are some opinions based on mostly freight experience.
First off, there needs to be more money, I realize this sounds like some sort of public blackmail or socialism but it is a fact, that any form of efficient cost effective public transportation needs to be publicly subsidized, passenger rail travel cannot be profitable and affordable.
Ridership is up in every sector, almost 40% where I Iive so people WILL ride if they have a chance, we have already proved this.
There needs to be accountability, and in a government subsidized entity I realize this very oxymoronic but if public funds are wasted the guilty parties need to be absolutely positively made accountable.
We need more routes, and coordination within the routes so travel is convenient.
The easiest way to do this would be to get out timetables form the 1940s and 50s and modify them.
We had great rail travel then, there were mail cars on each passenger train and that was one of the main ways the trains were paid for, hauling mail.
You are totally absolutely correct that this is the time to bring about meaningful upgrades in our transportation system.
It really only needs one thing: for our elected representatives to be made aware of the need and desire for an affective public transportation system. They usually dont think past the next election and dont normally have the best interests of the citizenry in mind beyond the next four years.
There are many many people in Europe that dont even own cars, not because they cant, but because they have viable alternatives in excellent public transportation and do not need to.