Why do public trains smell like pee?
2006-05-19 20:48:21 UTC
is it all trains/subways that smell this way?
Ten answers:
2006-05-19 20:55:08 UTC
No not all trains/subways smell like pee; in fact, very few do. However, some may give off an odor of the sort due to the fact that some people choose to pee in the subway. This can be an act of rebellion, or simply boredness, but its disgusting, so limit your stay to as few stops as possible.
2006-05-19 20:52:46 UTC
I know that on The Electric Sewer (the NYC subway), they fine you 50$ for spitting on the floor. However, you can throw up for free.
2006-05-19 20:54:22 UTC
There supposed to be cleaned every night. Must be a big city that goes all night. Workers don't really care about what conditions they work in. I wouldn't put up with that if i worked for the place.
2006-05-19 20:51:35 UTC
Because there are unclean people riding them and I don't think the trains are cleaned often. Take some spray Lysol with you and spray it around it will smell better and you will kill germs too.
Texas Cowboy
2006-05-19 20:48:50 UTC
Because people pee on them. Seriously.
john doe
2006-05-19 20:50:29 UTC
Because it is public and there is hardly anytime to clean them since they are always in constant motion
2006-05-19 20:53:47 UTC
it was probably from all the pespiration or what they step on .. stepping in and out.. maybe from the food as well... lol and no one could care less to clean it . :)
I am a Muppet
2006-05-19 20:51:30 UTC
Some drunken people pee anywhere they can.
2006-05-19 20:51:00 UTC
It's all urine, peepee
2006-05-19 20:49:09 UTC
Duh! It's from the urine.

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