i was just wondering in the UK once you purchase a train ticket is it possible to use it again after using it in the machine to open the gates at some stations. I know officially this is the wrong thing to do but does the ticket become 'invalid' only after a ticket officer has punched holes in the ticket. The reason i ask is i see my girlfriend at uni most weekends and i'm currently unemployed so getting the train there and back is becoming a bit of a struggle. I have to change trains and the first half of the trip is almost always free as there are never any ticket officers or 'gates' and i usually have to buy the ticket when i get to the end of my journey to get through to gates.
sorry for the long winded question but it was more complex then i first thought :P basically i'm wondering if the machine you put your ticket through makes it void so you cannot put it through the same machine twice? and has anyone actually tried this?