being a railfan ofcourse i, and others here, will be understandably biased. i will try to tone it down a bit to be more realistic.
being part of the community and subject to its laws, i have to go along with the obvious safety involved with federally requiring horns/whistles to be blown for ANY safety or communicative reason. and do whats required of me to uphold it. thats OUR civic duty.
having spent a great deal of time infront of some of Marshall's finest amps i can tell you i kinda understand what the engineers above are saying about hearing loss. my opinion differs as i loved the music i played loudly just as i think i would love hearing a train horn for 30 years, despite the hearing problems. i have no regrets.
having set my tone, i think its fair to say this is one of those times when sacrifice must be made. irrespective of my hobby, there are many things we just have to kiss up to and obey. you think i like stopping at every freaking red light in this, the red light capitol of the world, known as my home town? HELL NO! but i do it. death and taxes are two other 'for sure' sacrifices we make.
i would ask you nicely, as a fellow citizen to try to find a way to cope. its certainly not beyond your capabilities im sure. i have heard engineers try to lessen their horn blowing just for this very reason. and more times than not was amazed that it is to the point in which i thought safety was compromised. in my opinion i feel that the local and state govts that have already banned horn use at crossings during certain times is a flagant misuse of power, a blantant disregard for safety in which they have sworn to uphold and protect! it is criminal to take away an act of safety for the sake of sleep.
sure, anyone other than a railfan does not have much use for a blaring train horn at 2:30am. even the deafened engineers. but i think they, and you, as well as i can all admit.... they have genuine purpose, and they have saved lives. is that not worth a little sacrifice? if this hasnt swayed you any than think of this one last thought.....
the life that horn saves may be either your own one day, or someone you love. you may be trying to sleep when you hear that horn, but its probably blowing to warn someones young, late working child coming home that danger is fast approaching. but they cant hear it because they are either too busy texting and driving, stereo is blaring, or all of that! sure, a locomotives headlights are very powerful and bright (try not to lQQk at them directly) but only if you see them!
so if we limit 'hornage' or delete it altogether, why not gaurdrails too because they are ugly? im not so pretty missing a lil beauty sleep is gonna hurt me. you?
finally, a point blank perspective for you: if that horn is blowing for you, ill gladly make that sacrifice for you. would you be willing to return that favor to me? or anyone else for whom the horn blows?
(ps: dont forget, engineers dont like to hit animals either. alot of those furry things cross tracks at night. unfortunately the animal kingdom didnt get the two longs, one short, one long memo. so they only understand blow the horn till they get out of the way. sure beats wrecking the train and blowing up your town with a propane explosion lol )